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Other Beautiful Post – Default by Love

The last Other Beautiful Post I shared was in June. High time for another beautiful piece, created by a neighbor. It is a short video with spoken words, Default by Love, written by Nick J Woods for a sixteen year old nephew…

Default By Love

Wise words, I believe many of us still need to hear, regardless age. Nick has created many more beautiful pieces of art. I hope you got inspired by above video as much as I did. And if you did, acknowledge this amazing writer by visiting his website: A Brightonian Writer


Acknowledgement is more important than you might think. It is not about approving, it’s about empowering and showing appreciation. Virtual social platforms are perfect for that. In addition, for me, it is also about staying aware of the fact that we all human beings, striving to thrive, each in our unique way. Seeking understanding for each others differences, can only lead to a more peaceful world for us all.

Therefore, I hope you challenge yourself to keep reaching out to and connect with Beautiful Souls out there. Don’t hesitate to link a Beautiful Post you created, or did read, in the comments below.

Signature Patty in Heart

Inspire each other...

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Although I encourage you to Connect to Life, Others and Yourself, it is impossible to Connect to all and everyone. 
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Virtual Home

Over a decade, I write and create, developing my virtual home into what it is today. Connecting on a global scale, aiming to inspire YOU to Connect. To Life, to Others, to Yourself.

Let us stop trying to convince one and another there is only one way to live. Instead, let us empower each other to find and live the lifestyle suitable to our uniqueness.
Acknowledging and embracing our differences, using them as strength to build meaningful Connections and a world upon which we can all thrive.

Skilled Helpers Collaborative


Universal Human Rights

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