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De geest van Scrooge / Scrooge’s Spirit — Waar mijn pen ligt, ben ik thuis

With the marvelous poem of a fantastic writer and poet I wish all who celebrates Christmas lovely peaceful days.

Big hug to all my neighbors at this globe,

ps. zowel in Nederlands als in het Engels, dus klik op de link!
Ps. both in Dutch as in English,  so click the link!

* Gisteren leefde ik in een ver verleden vroeg steeds om meer, genoeg was niet genoeg onbewust ging mijn last steeds zwaarder wegen mijn geest deed alles wat ik van hem vroeg Vandaag leef ik in onzeker heden onwetend nog waarheen welk pad mij leidt ’t is of mij elke weg wordt afgesneden mijn geest […]

via De geest van Scrooge / Scrooge’s Spirit — Waar mijn pen ligt, ben ik thuis

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Although I encourage you to Connect to Life, Others and Yourself, it is impossible to Connect to all and everyone. 
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Over a decade, I write and create, developing my virtual home into what it is today. Connecting on a global scale, aiming to inspire YOU to Connect. To Life, to Others, to Yourself.

Let us stop trying to convince one and another there is only one way to live. Instead, let us empower each other to find and live the lifestyle suitable to our uniqueness.
Acknowledging and embracing our differences, using them as strength to build meaningful Connections and a world upon which we can all thrive.

Skilled Helpers Collaborative


Universal Human Rights

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