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Take control of what you can control (Boost Your Soul)

Breaking old habits and patterns isn’t easy. Life can throw stuff at you, you just can’t control and you might feel lost, even feel out of control. Giving in to darkness, could however become to comfortable.

I answered this to Katherin’s question ‘How do you love yourSELF ?’

Embrace all of you, positives and limitations. Trust your Inner Voice; you know your truth.

Pay attention to your body, for instance, if you worry about something or when you find yourself in a situation you’re a not sure is good for you: your body knows.

NOBODY is perfect and daring to be vulnerable and strong enough to live by YOUR truth, will not always be easy… I learned (and sometimes the hard way) this is a necessity. I also learned; it is an ongoing process 😉

Accepting whatever it is you have to go through is either a part of you, or happening to you and is not defining you, is the first step.

In a book (not published yet but soon I hope, dear Gary ! ) I read the sentence:

‘Stop overwhelming and start living again.’

With his permission, I wanted to add it to this post, because it triggered something deep inside of me… I really thought I was living, but I realized… still not to my full potential. Well, never to late to do better, especially when you know better ( Maya Angelou, seen by KE Garland).

Reaching out, connect with someone you trust and ask for help… the next step forward towards new-found happiness. If I hadn’t start connecting in the past, those wonderful wise words might not have reached me 😉

Not ready to step outside your comfort-zone? These three equally important steps can help getting yourself out of the darkness into the light: eat healthy, exercise and sleep enough.

Take control of what you can control

Inspire each other...

20 Responses

  1. You mentioned “sleep enough”. I think I am doing that, but there is this thing I have, of wanting to do right by as many people as possible; not EVERYONE, but as many people as possible.

    1. Haha, I can totally resonate with this dear Gary. However, one can do better if healthy (physically and mentally) and well rested, right?
      Personally, if I don’t sleep enough by the end of the week and noticed, I get cranky…not fun for the Beautiful Souls near to me, haha

  2. Lovely words: ‘take control of what you can control’. Right now, I need to take control of my bowels. To explain (just in case you didn’t say ‘eww’ and stop reading) I just made a curry, and it was a little too hot and now my underside is saying ‘grrrrrr’.
    Check you later my sweet friend. 🙂

    1. And sometimes it is indeed taking control of something simple 😉
      Since your blogging again, your ‘trust-issue’ solved?
      Enjoy your Sunday, dear Robert.

        1. Be careful with that teeth gritting…since December I am able to tell you, unfortunately, dentures ain’t fun.

  3. Very inspiring Patty and I’m in awe that something you noted while reading Black Marsh unlocked something inside and assisted in some small way to craft this post. I should take note of your words too and step out of my own comfort zone and begin the publishing journey. Many thanks again for beta reading it and I will reflect on this post before taking my own next steps.

    Excellent post and I will be pressing this later in the week too X

    1. Thanks a lot dear Gary. When souls connect… good things happen 🙂
      Good luck at the next steps of that exciting journey! XxX

      1. No need to thank me at all Patty, friends always know it’s there. Although…thank you for the support and reading my manuscript. Next steps are the tricky ones xxx

        1. Each day short quotes by various different persons, Katherin asked that question. It’s manageable to follow 😉 Wishing you a lot of joy upcoming party. Till soon again, XxX

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Over a decade, I write and create, developing my virtual home into what it is today. Connecting on a global scale, aiming to inspire YOU to Connect. To Life, to Others, to Yourself.

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