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Universal Human Rights – Do you know them?

Violence, intolerance, racism, discrimination seems to be part of a never ending story. More and more people need to flee their homes and/or their countries, in the hope to find safety and peace elsewhere in our world. When even world leaders appear to have forgotten our Universal Human Rights, I believe it’s time (again) and very important to remind us all of our Universal Human Rights. 


“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly at its 3rd session on 10 December 1948 at the Palais de Chaillot in Paris, France. The full text is available on the United Nations website.

The Declaration consists of thirty articles affirming an individual’s rights which, although not legally binding in themselves, have been elaborated in subsequent international treaties, economic transfers, regional human rights instruments, national constitutions, and other laws. The International Bill of Human Rights consists of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its two Optional Protocols. In 1966, the General Assembly adopted the two detailed Covenants, which complete the International Bill of Human Rights.” Source: Wikipedia 

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“The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations. It sets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected and it has been translated into over 500 languages.” Source: United Nations

At my website you will find a permalink to a list of the 30 basic Human Rights: regardless where you were born, how you are raised, your circumstances, etc., as a human being you automatically have these basic rights. I added this link to make sure all the Beautiful Souls who visit my site, will be reminded of the rights we have.

Previously in this series, I did select some of those important rights and added my personal view. This year (2021), I am going through the 30 basic rights. I would like to encourage you to look up our Human Rights, not to take these for granted or to misuse, but as a reminder we are all Human beings, Beautiful Souls and therefore we all matter.

In addition, I hope to inspire the writers and artists among us to also use this topic for an article, story, poem, photograph, paint or any other piece of art and help me and many Human Rights Organizations to spread this information of huge importance.

Article 1 ~ Right to Equality

“All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
They are endowed with reason and conscience and should
act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”

My personal view:

Regardless where we were born and into which family, or even the way we were conceived, we are all created by human beings and therefore: we are ALL Human Beings. As an infant, we don’t have a clue yet about violence, racism or other behaviors that could change our life entirely. To survive, is one of our purposes and all we want is food, shelter and a safe place to sleep. Most of all, I believe, we want to be loved and embraced… just for who we are. That basic need will never leave us and it is our birthright to get.

We humans are the only species on earth, who know that it knows (phrase Mr. Leen Mees) and we should, in my opinion, take care of this fact more thoughtfully. Yes, we are all born free and equal in dignity and rights. That doesn’t mean we should take it for granted, demand it or even worse; literally kill each other for that right.

Like the first article of our universal human rights describes; we should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. As evolved creatures, we should always choose peaceful ways to stand up for our rights, civil ways at the least and not turn to inhuman disgraceful alternatives.

I truly believe, we all know by heart, through or core value given at birth, how to ‘be good’. It is a choice how to go through life, to try to understand each other, to be tolerant, to be(come) a Beautiful Soul.

Let’s not forget: We are ALL born naked!

To all of the Beautiful Souls who visit my virtual home: Will you also take the pledge you will stand up for Human Rights? CLICK

Originally posted Sep 2017. Updated and re-published January 2021.

Human Rights Library, University of Minnesota:
United Nations:
Download the UHR campaign logos: HERE

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17 Responses

    1. Ah my dear Gulara 🙂 How lovely to have you visiting my little space at the internet again! Much appreciated. Beautiful Souls like yourself inspiring me, help me be a better person.
      Hope you are ok and your husband is still strong again. Big hugs! XxX

  1. Patty, I shall take this as a sign to also write about this. I first heard the call from a famous rapper, who reminded people that what’s going on in Paris, is the same thing that’s going on in the States. But we tend to see things differently based on how we’ve divided ourselves. Your writing about this has reminded me once again that I need to pay some attention to these Rights as they’ve been written and adopted. I’ll be doing this in the near future. Peace, light, and love my friend.

    1. Ah fantastic, dear Katherin 🙂 Already looking forward to your view on this important topic.
      Big hug! XxX

  2. Patty, you are such a bright light…thank you for your continued focus on social justice, love and inspiration. Your latest focus is awesome and so thought provoking. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. Ha Patty! Met schaamrood op de kaken moet ik bekennen dat ik deze rechten niet ken – ondanks het feit dat jij deze rechten altijd al heel prominent in jouw hoekje van het internet hebt gedeeld. In ga ze lezen, en laten inzinken, en er iets mee doen – al is het op een of andere manier erover schrijven. Dus ik sluit me ook graag bij de voorgaande reacties aan: je bent een mooi, inspirerend mens! (En dank ook voor de link naar Leen Mees! Ken ik niet, maar klinkt zeer interessant!) XX

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Universal Human Rights

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