
As long as I can remember, I’ve been philosophizing about the why humans do what they do.
I believe connection, besides surviving plus evolving, is our most important activity and goal.
Reflecting is a valuable tool.
Both will lead to a meaningful life. 
Connecting to Life, to Others, to Yourself.
It is Human Being Human. 

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human being human by Patty Wolters


Circa 315.000 - Present

Homo sapiens

Human beings, as we are today, originate in Homo sapiens.
Still today, we are at root animals (Animalia),
mammals (Mammalia) and omnivores.

Basic needs

Historically - physical

To survive

One of our main purposes in live is survival.
Without fire, water, food, clothing and
shelter human beings perishes.

Basic Skills

Evolving as species

Natural instincts

Our consciousnesses, enabled humans to make a fire and this
was the root of our evolving into the species we are today.
Developing skills, also called natural instincts,
ensured our safety and further development.

Core Value

Human being root value


Being human beings, our core value is integrity. 
This helps us distinguish between right and wrong.
We know we know.


Human Beings versus other species


Anno 21st Century, we are still the only species who
KNOW they know. (Consciousness, Awareness)


Nowadays - physical

Modern society

Our basic needs haven’t changed. Nowadays, sanitation, education,
healthcare, internet and money are, generally, also considered
as basic needs for survival.


Thriving human beings


Inherited natural wisdom plus gained scientific insights throughout
the centuries are the building stones to thrive and expand
knowledge, abilities and skills.

Main Values

Differs per human being

Unique individual

Related to integrity are values as trust, freedom, authenticity, love, knowledge, connection, honesty, compassion, leadership, etc.
Being unique individuals, depending on our current state of
mind and our environment, we prioritize our main values.


No matter our background, upbringing, current situation, gender, age or belief-system…we are all human beings. Our common main and natural purpose is to survive. Connecting to gain our basic needs will help us realize that purpose. We are capable of surviving on our own, however to evolve and thrive as human beings, we need connection. Therefore, I believe connecting is, besides surviving plus evolving, our most important activity and goal.

There are all kinds of connections possible, as also various tools to create connection. Language (sounds/words, body, energetic, spiritual), and equipment (phone, computer, hearing aid, etc.) are examples of the tools we nowadays have at our disposal.

Unfortunately, some tools, like the classifications we as human beings started to ascribe to our species for the purpose of clarity, have led to an increase in discrimination and senseless violence. Also, the labels we invented to describe health issues often lead to people identifying as being the label instead of being human with a label. Finding the answers and solutions for existing problem situations can be quite a challenge.

Regardless of whether we want to evolve and thus thrive on an individual or collective level; reflecting is a valuable tool. Reflecting upon the root cause of existing emotions, thoughts, beliefs and behaviors will uncover the reasons of disconnections. The right questions will lead to the root cause of insecurities, doubts or low self-esteem. The right tools will reveal unique main values, enabling to make choices with confidence.

The perfect way does not exist and our differences are human beings’ strength. At the same time, relying on our unified core value – integrity – will lead to acceptance and harmony. As humans being human, reflecting regularly upon the quality of our connections – Life Connections, Soul Connections, Core Connections – will help us to evolve even further. Resulting in meaningful connections and thus, our ultimate goal, a meaningful life. For you, for me, for us all.

Connecting to Life, to Others, to Yourself is human being human.

Philosophy `Human Being Human´ by Patty Wolters – Updated March 2021