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Mimosa Pudica is a creeping annual or perennial herb, also called sleepy plant, Dormilones or shy plant. This herb proves that plants, besides being alive, can react very quickly although they don’t have a nervous system. Proverbial this herb is also called sensitive plant or touch-me-not and therefore in The Netherlands the link has been made to a quick-tempered, touchy person. In Dutch a ‘Kruidje-roer-me-niet”.

June 10 2018, I wrote my first personal manifesto as a gift to myself for my birthday. Regularly, I re-read this document to reflect; is this still my truth? What am I actually doing to live up to my own written words?

Life is a journey of ongoing growth. Life is finite and too valuable to live shallow. That is what I believe. The purpose of sharing my personal manifesto? To encourage you to reflect yourself regularly too and strive for a meaningful life.

A life of YOUR choice, to YOUR standards.

BE YOU. Who else can you be?

Update: October 2019 – Patty Wolters



My nickname was given to me once, mainly because I tried to develop
my own belief-system, my own values, my own standards, my own expectations.
I was called a Mimosa Pudica.
All has been said and done before, therefore I do not aim to invent a new wheel.
I live in the now, with the wisdom of the past, one eye on the future.
 my positives AND limitations.
Fighting against unjustness, dishonesty, discrimination, intolerance and ignorance.
Knowledge is KEY.
We are the only species who know they know. I know better, therefore do better.
Being human is no excuse. Age is no excuse. Money is no excuse.
The latter not the only way to achieve happiness, it will make life easier. Period.
KARMA is REALITY for me.
A songwriter questioned it, I believe without a doubt god was just one of us,
a human being trying to find his way home. I choose my home, I create my home.
invite the Beautiful Souls who empower me in my life, always open to
neighbors who can enrich my being.
While, I create my own DREAMPACK, I do this
respectfully for the big Dreampack I live upon. Part of nature, fulfilling
my natural needs, embracing knowledge, techniques, and
possibilities from the time-period I happen to flow through.
SPIRITIUAL, not religious.
Reaching out to my neighbors, I’ll become a master of connection.
Energy is THE common factor;
we use the same, we breathe the same, we are connected through the same energy.
Trust and confidentiality are sacred to me.
My truth, doesn’t have to be your truth. And vice versa.
It’s the belief-system of my choice.
Born in The Netherlands, but a citizen of the world, I refuse to be put in a box.
choose mine, being a woman, a spouse, a devoted friend for creatures of my choice,
a researcher, a philosopher, a blogger, a skilled helper.
choose to stand up for myself. I choose to judge, to NOT condemn.
I cry, laugh, dance and rock whenever I feel it is right to do so.
choose love, happiness, kindness and compassion.
Life is one big momentThe moment is NOW. I choose to live to the fullest.
Today, I CHOOSE to OWN the given nickname, because YES,
I am an imperfect perfect unique human being.
Kind, creative, passionate, at times insecure and touchy.
As we all are, I am so much more.
Never done learning and growing.
AM Patty Wolters


Inspire each other ...

2 Responses

  1. Beautiful Patty – it’s a joy to read your manifesto. I believe it benefits us all to be consciously aware of exactly what energies we’re inviting to guide our lives and be clear about what we will give our focus and attention to as we craft the ever-evolving, always unfolding best version of ourselves that we can be. You are an inspiration.

    1. Thank you, dear Deborah, for again a heartwarming response. Your beautiful soul is one of my inspirational resources, which I highly value. Warm regards!

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Over a decade, I write and create, developing my virtual home into what it is today. Connecting on a global scale, aiming to inspire YOU to Connect. To Life, to Others, to Yourself.

Let us stop trying to convince one and another there is only one way to live. Instead, let us empower each other to find and live the lifestyle suitable to our uniqueness.
Acknowledging and embracing our differences, using them as strength to build meaningful Connections and a world upon which we can all thrive.

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