
Acknowledge time for the concept that it is ;-)

As one of my dear blogging colleague reminded me earlier this week, it is impossible to stay up-to-date with all the beautiful posts bloggers and writers create. I try to keep up with 75 blogs per week, however, even for a connector and Master Coach, like me 🙂 , life follows its own course and we cannot control all. Although…

For instance, you could make your to-do-list much more fun, which I explain in a text-video (watch), choose what you want to believe and acknowledge the Beautiful Souls you ARE.

Time is another example of a concept most of us feel we can’t control. I say it often: “where did the day, week, year go?” and “time flies!”, the latter especially when having fun.

Did you ever realize, that time is an emotion?!! And emotions are thoughts?!!

Like all thoughts and emotions, time is just another perspective you have. We can choose how to spend our time, choose what is less or more important to us. It is impossible to live in the moment all the time, but we can focus on the now instead of dwelling in the past or worrying about the future.

In addition, acknowledging the fact you are a human being first, not a wizard, thus not able to go through life without sleep, food, beverages and relaxing time AND stay healthy at the same time. Regardless if you are a CEO, mother, student, or whatever role(s) you’ve chosen to fulfill.

Being aware of this, might help improve structuring your days, at least make you realize you can control more than you think 😉

For me personally, this means I choose to stick to a daily schedule, which includes enough free time to be able to adjust flexible when life happens, to make sure I will not feel cranky.

In general, it also means we can’t stay connected to all neighbors of our choice all the time. As long as we make an effort to stay in touch regularly, those Beautiful Souls will understand. In case they don’t, well, I am going to write about that next week 😉

So! Don’t freak out, if you’re not able to keep up with all and everyone. Don’t stress if you can’t finish all tasks in one day. It is OK to drop everything once in a while and just BE.

With this in mind, I hope you allow yourself to have a fabulous weekend!

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6 Responses

  1. I agree with you. Sometimes time doesn’t seem to be on our side and that’s okay. Keep on breathing and everything will be okay eventually, is what my granddad always said.

    I hope you’ll have a wonderful weekend, too, Patty 🙂

    1. Thank you dear Samantha! Also glad you responded, because I wanted to ask you if you’re still blogging yourself? If so, could you provide me the link to your website/blog?

      1. I still blog, actually. But I recently changed my blog’s name. You can find me in your WP reader under Heart To Follow or via hearttofollow.wordpress.com 🙂

  2. Dear Patty. Many very useful advices in your post! Thanks for sharing! You seem to prioritize quality over quantity, which is a good thing for connections (I sometimes do not follow that principle so well online though:-(). Time is indeed just a concept that is even culturally shaped. For example, some cultures imagine it as a timeline from left to right, while others picture it the opposite way (similar to the differences in writing direction). What I train myself to do is to see time as a more cyclical concept that consequently allows for infinity and parallel times. Such different concepts of time can also help putting temporal relationships and related bias and stress into new perspectives.

    1. Thank you dear Mathias for the compliment and for taking the time 😉 to connect again. So much appreciated!
      Oh, very intriguing! Maybe you could write an article about it? As you noticed, slowly but steady catching up at your website, so would love to learn more about the cyclical concept.
      Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, XxX

      1. Hi, Patty. You are very welcome, and thanks for your interest. In fact, cyclical time is part of the Happy Colorful Growth concept. It appears subtly throughout my writing, and for a more specific elaboration, a next book project will provide for more:-). It’s very motivating to have friends like you who are interested in learning more about it. Many thanks and until soon

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Although I encourage you to Connect to Life, Others and Yourself, it is impossible to Connect to all and everyone. 
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Over a decade, I write and create, developing my virtual home into what it is today. Connecting on a global scale, aiming to inspire YOU to Connect. To Life, to Others, to Yourself.

Let us stop trying to convince one and another there is only one way to live. Instead, let us empower each other to find and live the lifestyle suitable to our uniqueness.
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