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Token of Humantiy ~ Gratitude Article

This week we intended to express our gratitude towards those Beautiful Souls, who haven’t received our Token of Humanity (yet), but still were amazingly supportive and shared one of our previous posts about this token and/or passed the token to one or more of our neighbors.

Unfortunately, we didn’t realize our request to use the tags #youarenotalone #humanityliveson is too broad, meaning we were not able to track all these Beautiful Souls who did help us in spreading humanity via social media.

If you did pass forward the Token of Humanity, or one of our previous posts about this humanity gift, please inform us! Acknowledgement, kindness and compassion is so important and we would really like to know, which Beautiful Souls are helping us.

In future, we will ask you kindly to use the tag:


Fortunately, the Beautiful Souls, who shared one of our previous posts and/or passed on this token via WordPress, we were able to track and our gratitude we would like to express to:

Jueseppi of

Henry of

The team of

We are so happy all Beautiful Souls we so far presented the Token of Humanity joined us (or notified us they are going to) in spreading our vision behind this token:

“Aimed at creating awareness on the impact of what an act of humanity could carry not only towards the life of another but your own as well.
It is in dedication to bring knowledge that by surfacing compassion, spreading kindness and caring for what surrounds one’s environment is what acts as breath for your soul to live on in this world.
Without souls, we are just a mind that gets busy over-thinking about a lot of ongoing relating to oneself, a body that on parallel terms goes by what our instincts asks us to and a heart that beats in silence.
Let us come together, be part of the movement there is and conquer the world with Humanity. The world is in need of more of it.
No beautiful soul should feel alone and our children ought to grow up towards a future where the atmosphere they may surround themselves with is filled with immense compassion, love and care.”

To make it easier to pass forward our Token of Humanity, hereby the picture :

You could also request the Token via:

Patty -> dreampackconnect @
Team Humanity Lives On -> info @

We hope the cycle continues and humanity be spread from then on.

Humanity Lives On – Your are Not Alone * Dreampack ~ where Beautiful  Souls thrive

This post can be shared by WP-users via hopping over to the following link HERE , via the old fashion way: copy-paste, or by adding the Press This option to your bookmark-bar.

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3 Responses

    1. Hi Crystal,
      Thank you for connecting 🙂
      This Token is not an award, but a gift… the team Humanity Lives on and I (of Dreampack) created together.
      So can share this Token of Humanity whenever your want, to whomever you want and as many times as you like 🙂
      Kind regards,
      Patty (of Dreampack)

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Over a decade, I write and create, developing my virtual home into what it is today. Connecting on a global scale, aiming to inspire YOU to Connect. To Life, to Others, to Yourself.

Let us stop trying to convince one and another there is only one way to live. Instead, let us empower each other to find and live the lifestyle suitable to our uniqueness.
Acknowledging and embracing our differences, using them as strength to build meaningful Connections and a world upon which we can all thrive.

Skilled Helpers Collaborative


Universal Human Rights

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