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Embrace all of you

Embrace both positives and limitations is so important. Limiting characteristics, beliefs, thoughts, influences can hold us back. Embracing those too by understanding which are limiting and why they hold us back will help take back control. To Connect to Life, to Others, to Yourself.

Is it about being positive all the time?

Studying about positive psychology in the past, I always thought something was missing. I even started to feel a bit nauseous reading texts in which the authors emphasize to only focus on the positive and avoid the negative. You should surround yourself with positiveness and you will automatically become happy. At the same time, apparently, you should avoid confrontations and ditch people who disagree with you.

Fortunately, I am not the only one who has questioned this take on Positive Psychology. Studies, books, information on the internet (*) containing similar views like mine confirmed my way of thinking and helped me Boost my Soul.

What's good for me, isn't automatically good for you and vice versa.

As I regularly write, we are all unique individuals and what is good for me, isn’t always good for you and vice versa. Yes, we should dare to be our beautiful, unique and thus authentic selves. That does not mean, we should be so independent (autonomous) to a point we distance ourselves from being fully interconnected with the world around us. It is in our nature to thrive better surrounded by other living creatures. Encircling yourself, however, with people who are positive all the time and live day-by-day is in my eyes not a healthy way of authentic living either.

Which brings me back to Positive Psychology. Avoiding to live truly authentic by only focusing on the positives, I believe you try to avoid confrontations, you are afraid to fail, hence, you are afraid of life itself. In addition, it is impossible to be constantly positive, we just are not happy campers all the time. Ignoring life is finite and we humans have limitations, is setting yourself up for a life full of frustration.

Quote Mia Leijssen

For instance, a disagreement can be very constructive, help you reconsider and/or form your own ideas, or even confirm your feelings about a person and thus give you more clarity. Of course, when someone hurts you to your core, doesn’t allow you to be your beautiful unique self, I too would avoid such a person. 

Difference is our strength.

However, accepting we aren’t all similar minded, embracing we all have our limitations can lead to a more realistic relationship. With people in and outside your inner-circle. With yourself. It is being more authentic and positive, then it may seem. When you embrace all of you, your positives and your limitations, it will be easier to navigate through life, since, well… you don’t have to hide anything and no longer feel the need to suppress who you truly are: a beautiful unique person.

Boost your Soul: click 
You’re not alone (depression): click
(*) More info about Existential Well-Being: click 

[Repost original dated March 2019]

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11 Responses

  1. Agreed! There must be balance! It’s ok to feel bad or think things that aren’t positive all of the time. For me the difference is in allowing myself to feel it, face it and deal with it instead of wallowing in it. Thanks for sharing <3

  2. Oh, my gosh, Patty, thank you! Your timing could not be better! I love the way you addressed the challenges of embracing the seemingly opposing elements of connection. Thank you for this wise and compassionate offering…it’s helped me untangle a knot in my stomach that has been bothering me of late 🙂

    1. Ah, dear Truly! You made my heart jump up by your kind words and thus compliment 🙂
      Grateful for connecting! XxX

  3. I agree with much of what you’ve said Patty. And I do think that it depends on what you’ve mentioned. If it’s just a negative situation that will go away with a solution, then there’s no need to avoid it. However, if the person (him/herself) embodies negative energy, then I personally try to stay away.

    1. Oh absolutely! However, you remembered me of the importance of non-judgement, and I also believe in giving second, third, if necessary even more changes. But yes, a person embodies negativity, I too stay far far away. Thanks for connecting again, dear Katherin. XxX

  4. Patty You have given such a fantastic Title to this thought. Yes Embracing All could lead to the goal.
    But experience and memory we normally tend to the negative side. Always having to have this Bell in the pocket shall help.
    Fond Regards

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Over a decade, I write and create, developing my virtual home into what it is today. Connecting on a global scale, aiming to inspire YOU to Connect. To Life, to Others, to Yourself.

Let us stop trying to convince one and another there is only one way to live. Instead, let us empower each other to find and live the lifestyle suitable to our uniqueness.
Acknowledging and embracing our differences, using them as strength to build meaningful Connections and a world upon which we can all thrive.

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